Myths About Teeth

The tooth has an outer layer called the Enamel and an inner layer called the Dentin which together protect the nerves and blood supply of the tooth a.k.a. the Pulp . Enamel is the hardest substance in our body, but it can still decay and deteriorate. This happens when the tooth surface is not cleaned/ brushed. This results in the formation of plaque which further can form into dental caries or cavities. This process roughly takes anything between 6 months to a few years!

1. So a cavity cannot develop overnight !

The tooth has many surfaces and all the surfaces need to be brushed everyday. Failure to do so will result in the formation of plaque which will build over time and form a hard crust called calculus or tartar. This hard layer CANNOT be removed by brushing . The dentist has to remove it with her instruments and the service is called Scaling. While scaling the dentist can only remove the stains and this hard calculus.

2. So Scaling does not remove the tooth enamel !

It is very important to brush the correct way. Yes, there is a method to brush. Brushing should be done by moving the the brush in the ‘up-down’ directon and not from left to right.

3. Rarely can one get cavities if they brush regularly and in the correct way !

Every dental treatment done in the oral cavity has a life. The life can be extended if we take care of our teeth . Our teeth are constantly being used and some amount of wear and tear is natural for both the teeth and the restorations.

4. There is no substitution to regular brushing !